Or A Neopet
I've been playing the game for years! I have my main pets, then always have one lab pet.
I try to get well-named ones as well. More on that later*
Pretty much any painted pet will get adopted. Any color is better than a basic, so I'm sure you'd get interest for basically anything. And as a seasoned player I think it's nice for those who are just starting out and want the "prestige" of owning a painted pet.
Some good ones are faerie, woodland, halloween, zombie and so on. But I'd suggest picking a well named pet to zap. A name like thrtjhre_432 won't get much interest, even if it has been painted well.
The labray is a fun addition to the game, I love it when I get a new color! It makes using it so exciting.
I know some people look for owners but, honestly, I am lazy and just send them out into the world again.
I keep a list- pet name, when I adopted, when I put them back in, and what color and stats they had when adopted. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I find that a new owner has dressed them up and given them a nice customization
It's fun to check up on them.
On the downside, it's kind of disappointing when I get a really rare zap and the first person out of several asking for it, gets it. Then when I go and check up on the pet see that they stoped playing Neopets and just left the pet to rot.
Catch and Release
Sometimes when I get a color/pet that I don't want to keep for myself I just release it back into the pound.
I don't tell my Neofriends, but in the past when I "abandon" a pet that might be of interest. I had the peace of mind knowing that they will eventually get adopted.
Picking A Good Name
Names are important in NP and picking one that doesn't sound random is what most consider "good." But here are some other tips:
- No numbers or underscores
- Pronounceable
- 4-6 Letters are preferred (by some people at least)
- Real words are popular
- Even some misspelled words are (again by some people) considered nice.